Start the Conversation about Climate Change

The most important thing we can do to fight climate change: Talk about it”  Katharine Hayhoe, Atmospheric Scientist and Professor of Political Science at Texas Tech University

Here are some ideas to help save money, reduce waste, live healthier, and reduce carbon:

Support Renewable Energy in your area and utilize renewables at home or in the office if possible. Conserve energy at home by turning off electronics not in use. Insulate your home against heat/cold and install efficient appliances and LED light bulbs. Unplug devices when not in use and line dry your clothes whenever possible. For more information, reach out to Renewable Juneau to learn more about what you can do in the Juneau area.

Go Local and Reduce Consumption –  BUY LESS STUFF! Sounds simple, but we’re realistic and know you’re going to need to make a purchase every now and again. So when you do, research where it comes from and purchase from quality local carriers. Explore your local city Parks and Rec department or residential area for the opportunity to contribute efforts and source fruits and vegetables locally from a community garden. Consider eating more plant-based foods, along with organic or locally sourced meat products.  Help contribute your funds to the local economy by buying local and eating local.

Then Reuse – Purchase bulk foods in reusable containers and refill your water bottle. Avoid single-use plastics and research recycling in your community.  Shop at secondhand clothing stores and consider quality items that will last a long time and won’t go to the landfill right away. Many high-end brands include a life-time warranty and provide free mending. Consider learning how to make repairs or invest in having it fixed or mended.  Explore “Buy, Sell, Trade” networks in your community.

Minimize Waste, Maximize Recycling by joining the local composting effort. Learn about what material is compostable.  Did you know, 30-50% of trash is compostable? Switching to biodegradable or simple detergents/cleaning materials lowers the impact of toxic chemicals in the local waterways.  Learn what material your local recycling facility accepts and make sure to provide clean and properly sorted recyclables.  Bring your own shopping bags and don’t be afraid to ask your store managers to stock things with less plastic packaging. Take a trip to your local landfill to gain more insight on how your waste is handled.